Looking for a taxi? Here is a list of several taxi drivers located here on St. John.
Chico: 340-690-6507
Moses: 340 642 2043
Owen: 340-626-6274
Elvis: 340-642-0555
Ricky Penn: 340-513-1627
Merv: 340-690-1244
Erin: 340-344-4234
Avery: 340-690-0177
Claxton: 340-626-0573
Tafari Oliver 340-998-0231
Lisa and Mitchell 340-513-7444
Tony: 340-228-2338
Adamah: 340-244-3940
Cooper: 340-423-6162
Lem: 340-473-7766
Want to share this information? You can find it under our Info tab & also at www.explorestj.com/taxis
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Pingback:Beach Parking: What's Allowed & What Will Get You a Ticket - Explore STJ
Thanks for the list. Very helpful.
Jenn – your entry has a typo. It says “Clayton”, but his name is Claxton.
Thanks for pointing that out! It must have autocorrected. Fixed now! 🙂
Don’t recommend/trust Leon at all. He completely took advantage of my family and scammed us for 3x what he had previously quoted for transportation.
I am sorry to hear that. I will remove him from the list.
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