Hello everyone! I’ve missed you so much! As most of you probably know, I sold News of St. John earlier this year, so I haven’t been writing much other than the occasional story for the new owners. And you know what? I miss connecting with all of you! So yesterday, after drinking wine at an outdoor restaurant in Connecticut, I decided to start writing again. They say some of the best decisions come after a cocktail or two, right?? lol
This Explore STJ blog will be nothing like News of St. John. My days blogging about the island happenings are over, although I had an amazing run. 🙂 Instead, I plan to simply chat with all of you and let you know what I’ve been up to, where I am in the world (which is pretty much between St. John and Connecticut considering my good ole’ passport doesn’t work in too many places these days … ugh!), what current projects I’m working on, etc. I hope you all enjoy it, and I hope I don’t bore you all too much!
(For those of you who want to know about the goings on of the island, be sure to check out NewsofStJohn.com for the latest info. I know I do!)
So at the moment, I’ve put all of my island tours on hold for the next month-ish. I had always planned on spending a good deal of time in Connecticut this summer, and, truthfully, this pandemic led me to spend a little more time up here than I originally anticipated. And that’s ok. 🙂 Dalton turned two earlier this month and is having a blast playing with his cousins and is absolutely loving being able to see Papa and Mama News of St. John all the time. I am excited to say that I have plans to fly south very soon. Oh wait… I guess we need to rename them to Papa and Mama Explore STJ now, don’t we??!! Ha!
I know there are so many of you who wish you could visit the island right now, but can’t due to Covid or a myriad of reasons. So you know what? I am working to bring the island to you. Stay tuned friends!
Love and miss you all! -Jenn xoxo
Enjoy! Sounds like you’re having a great summer despite the state of things. Hope to get back to STJ week after Xmas if all goes well. Will be 10 months since I was there, right before the world fell apart.
I hope to see you again! It’s hard to believe we we’re drinking wine at The Hills just a few months ago before the world fell apart… Ugh! xoxo
Hello! Welcome back! Hope you relaxed and enjoy yourself.
Tracey, Pennsylvania
Good morning, Jenn. It’s so nice to hear from you. It’s wonderful that you and Dalton have been able to spend time with your family in Connecticut during the past months. Your little island boy is growing up way too fast! Thank you for reconnecting with your friends, who faithfully read your News of St. John articles. I look forward to you keeping in touch with us. Enjoy your time with your family while you’re in Connecticut….the island awaits you.
Welcome back! Enjoy this downtime with your family, we’re here!! Talk to you soon 😊
Always so good to hear from you! Have a great rest of your summer! Stay safe.
Where at in Connecticut? (Not asking to be too specific, just general area. ). I’ve been once. To Mohegan Sun Casino. It was on my bucket list. I went to see a concert there. So many tours come through there. It was the perfect venue. Glad I went. Would love to return.
Eagerly awaiting all your writings. You could never bore me.
So nice to hear from you again! I always enjoy the way you write. Like having a conversation with just me. Can’t wait to read your blog.
It’s wonderful to read your blog! Missed the personal updates!
Thrilled you are gonna start writing again.
So happy you will be writing again and keeping in touch with us. I feel I know you some, even though we’ve never met. I will be happy with anything you share with us, as you have a gifted way of writing. I look forward to the next chat.
Stay safe.
Eagerly awaiting your voice during this tropical storm/hurricane. Stay safe….if you are on island.